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Screen goes to brightness level 1 when working on battery.


Screen goes to brightness level 1 when working on battery.

Hello all,

I have recently bought a Vaio FE31M, everything is working fine except for the screenbrightness when switching to battery. The brightness level goes from 9 to 1 in a couple of seconds. I have tried to solve this problem with Vaio Power Management (changed the values there), but this does not help. The screen still goes to brightness level 1 after a couple of seconds.
I can imagine that that is good for the battery life, but it doesn't work well while writing or watching a movie. And constantly doing Fn+F6 isn't great either.

So, does anyone know how to solve this irritating problem?

Thanks in advance!


Hi Pat,

Welcome to Club vaio.. :slight_smile:

Open the power options Properties (Start > Control Panel > Performance and Maintenance > power options) in the VAIO Power Management tab, select the required brightness level in the Running on Batteries column, then click apply and OK..

Then open the Power Options again, is the brightness level you selected still shown or has it reverted to the old level..?

If it shows the new level check this again once you've restarted your vaio.. :thinking:


Hi Thalamus,

Thank you :).

I've adjusted the settings in Vaio Power Management (as I did before), but now after restart the screen stays at level 9 :).
I thought that the level change would be remembered instantly, but that was not the case.
So thank you for the solution :)!.

I still have another thingy, Windows Media Center doesn't function correctly, when I want to play a dvd in MCE, the dvd starts to play. But then when I hit the back button or I want to change some settings (subtitles) the thing hangs and I need to terminate the session. I had one warning, that was when I cleaned up the C drive (with the windows functio built in), which was saying that some files have been replaced by others that are not beiing recognized by the system. I tried to fix that, putting in both the recovery disks but the system kept saying that those weren't the right ones. So now I think that I should have the windows MCE cd, but that didn't came with the laptop to fix the unrecognized files.
That was maybe a week ago, I just ignored that and it doesn't bother me anymore.

Now the only remaining thing is the dvd function of MCE that doesnt'tfunction right. I hope that you can help me with this also, if not then I think I should start a new topic ;), since this one involves the screenbrightness.

Many thanks!