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Hi. I`m trying to recover my C drive after my XP suffered a complete system failure. When I run the recovery disk it always fails during the final proces. I always get the same message: Cannot find the necessary file for the final process of the recovery.
Is this likely to be a problem with the disk or could it be a hard drive problem?
If it`s the disk, is there a way of getting a replacement?
Would be grateful for any help.
Thank you
Hi Nads,
You may possibly have corrupt/damaged recovery media. Have you tried cleaning the disk?
If you have an HDD recovery partition then I suggest that you try running the recovery from that – tap F10 at startup.
If you don’t have HDDR then you can purchase a set of recovery media from support.
Try by going to Start > Run > sfc / scannow
Thanks Guys
I tried cleaning the disk but that didn't work. I'm also unable to use my Start menu as my Windows is completely dead - in fact my C drive is showing up as having no data, after a series of unsuccessfully recovery attampts.
I'm pretty sure I don't have recovery on my D but will try F10. Will try and get hold of another disk.
Another option I am considering is trying an XP install from a different XP installation disk. If I use the product codes supplied with the laptop, could this work? I have a slight nagging worry that using anything other than the Sony supplied disk may be a *bad thing*.
Again, any advice greatly appreciated
I'm pretty sure I don't have recovery on my D but will try F10.
I didn't realise that. I have an VGN-A115B.
Hi Nads,
Unfortunately the A115B does not have a hidden recovery partition..
Have you tried making a copy of the recovery disc, and try the recovery process again..?
If this does not work, you can contact Vaio-Link to purchase another set of recovery disc's..
Thanks again, will try both.
You're welcome..