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Problem with Firewire Harddrive


Problem with Firewire Harddrive

Hello VAIO Users!

I've got a problem with an external firewire hardrive. It works very (very) fine on another (Desktop) Computer but when I plug it to my VAIO PCG-FR415S Laptop and there's a great amount of data-traffic, the hardrive hangs up ...
I thougt this may might be a problem, cause of the firewire controller is set to the same IRQ (...) as the USB controller. But I can't change the settings ... De-Activating USB doesn't function.

Has anyone an idea to solve this problem?

Thank you!


Hallo Theatertoni.
VAIO FireWire/iLink re 4-pin!
that is: an ext. FireWire drive gets no power supply.
The ext FireWire drive of my VAIO GRV516G gets power via extra cable btw USB port and ext drive.


Maybe you could try deactivating xp's autorun function, i think your drive is trying to se what kind of files are on the drive and then crashes...


I have sony vaio FX802 laptop with external iomega 120 GB drive. I was also getting the same errors. write delay error and drive being bumped off explorer screen..I have now resolved them I think. The way I did this was to read the web page which deals with this fault. I downloaded their test software and confirmed that the link failed when the amount of data being sent exceeded 132 sectors. I downloaded a program from a website called
under page content 4. Patch driver for increasing firewire stability. The prog was 1394MaxRec_v127.exe and after installing this and running it I was able to read and write to my drive without errors. I gather this problem with firewire is quite prevalent so if this info helps then good luck! I also got similar problems when the iomega was plugged into a USB 2 port and that eventually lead to the demise of the disc...thankfully covered under warranty...