Share your experience!
Hi guys
I just bought an all in one vaio, the LA1, but without a power supply.
The spec states the adaptor as VGP-AC19V16 but I can't find one on ebay. Instead I've found a VGP-AC19V12......are there any differences? It looks the same.
On a more important note!!!! It didn't come with the correct silver wireless keyboard, but instead came with the VGP-WKB1 (black one with foldable lid and trackpad). I couldn't get the damn thing to connect upon start up. A guide came on, showing how to insert the batteries (ahhh thanks :p) and how to press the little connect button on the PC and keyboard to start them. No joy!
I Managed to use the enter key on the systems remote control to skip past the initial PC setup palava (my computers name is now 0 - haha) and upon getting into Windows media edition 2002, I've been using the on screen keyboard !!!!!! via applications - LOL...Oh my god, is this really happening to me!
Not sure how to get it working, or where to buy the LA1's proper keyboard.
Thanks in advance for any replies.
Hi zero5uk
Unfortunately I don't think you'll find the correct keyboard on the net, see this similar thread ..
Have you asked Sony support if they can supply the parts you require..