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Pocket Picture Viewer


Pocket Picture Viewer

Hi all,

Having initially been disappointed with the functionality of the VP I am now (through reading all of the posts on here) quite excited about what the VP can actually do.

Sony have written what is probably the worst manual possible for the VP as the picture viewing section is almost non-existent. It's only through coming on here that I've learnt so much about the player - thanks to all for that!

Anyways, one drawback that I have with VP at the moment is that when you transfer your pics you cant see an index of the images that you have transferred. It appears that you can only view them sequentially and that you can't actually look at a list of filenames and then select the one you want to view.

I had about 300 images in about 10 different folders on my PC harddrive and when I used the VP as a removable hard drive and copied the images across none of the folders appeared in the Photo Viewer screen. All I got was the 'User_001' folder and when I opened it nothing. I connected back to my pc and moved the files to the 'User_001' folder. I had to remove all the files from their original folders though for them to be seen. Even when you do this all you can do is view an image and move forward and back. Hardly Sony's usual user-friendliness?

Surely this is a problem that I am creating and that the VP isn't designed to work like this. Please, please could someone with superior knowledge to me let me know where I am going wrong?

I hope that made sense?

PS all we need now is someone to write a piece of software to allow us view MPEGS! Utopia!

Cheers for now


Hi Everything,
I think you'll find it's just that the VP's picture viewing functionality sucks.
It doesn't support arbitrarily named folders, or give any type of index. It doesn't even remember where abouts in the sequence of images you were at (which would at least HELP).

I've got my hopes set on the next firmware update - if there is one! Maybe some forum members in the know can say if there is much developement being done on a new update?



-u can use folders (more than one), in fact u can use as many as u wish!
Just rename the folders with ur pics to 'User_001' increasing the numbers with each folder.
I have more than 100 folders with pics and graphics on my PocketVaio (and now also on my PSP :smileygrin: )


-u can use folders (more than one), in fact u can use as many as u wish!
Just rename the folders with ur pics to 'User_001' increasing the numbers with each folder.
I have more than 100 folders with pics and graphics on my PocketVaio (and now also on my PSP :smileygrin: )

I have 10 folders and find it difficult to remember what group of pictures are in each one of them without going into the folders one by one, how do you manage with over 100?


I have tried experimenting with the Picture viewer and it makes no sense at all.

Some folders are USER_??? (copied from pc), some are 20041010_01 (copied from Camera) and some are actual names i.e party, holiday etc (renamed manually). On the subject of renaming I have tried naming different folders, all in lowercase and the same amount of letters . . . . some show up on the VP and some just vanish !! They are obviously still there when connected to my PC but just not on the photo viewer of the VP.

Other things that bug me, other than the lack of folders names or a folder structure, is that often the first file in the VP isnt the same first file on my PC, but they are both organised by date. The majority seem to be in order but sometimes it can start 3 or photos in. Basics like a zoom would be handy but not essential, as would individual photo properties but a 'resume' would be good (i.e. some of my folders have 1000+ photos in and it grinds me to have to start at the beginning every time)


Yes, indeed, the SONY solution of viewing pictures on the Pocketvaio is really bad!
Even the PSP can handle pictures better...ant that´s a game console with limited space!!!
SONY....make a new firmware update and listen to USERS!!!

Make folders with real name!
Make folders preview!
Make resume function!
Make faster picture display!
Make zoom function!
Make index view!



Yes what Nemo66 said but "Please" :tongue: