Share your experience!
Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone else has experianced this?
I noticed a couple of weeks back while watching a DVD that where the top of the task bar usually is (but it hides when playing dvd's) there was a sort of white line from the right (the part above the clock). The line was only visible on certain colours, I logged a case with e-support.
I decided to move the task bar to the lefthand side of the screen and to make it auto-hide. It's been like that for at least a week now, and I must say the line while not 100% gone is hardly noticable.
This leads me to believe that as the task bar is on constantly for most users in the same place all the time, that as above the clock area is so bright it managed to distort the brightness of the pixels when the bar was moved or hidden, but after it being removed on a prolonged basis the pixels start returning to normal.
Any thoughts Has this happened to anyone else, perhaps you could try just moving your taskbar, and opening paint, and using a pastely brown or similar colour on a large scale move it over the bottom corner and see if you have a line about 2 inches from the bottom right.
Ok, point taken, we do still have screensavers though, I suppose they just reduce unnecessary
"wear & tear" on the display.
My computer has a screensaver set to come on after 10 idle minutes, not very long I don't think. I did speak to one of the staff at (formerly Dixons). I'm sure we all know how helpful they are, well he seemed to think that an LCD screen shouldn't get any burnt images and that I should contact Sony (of which I had done previous as I stated earlier in thread) but I am thinking of writing a letter to head office along with a few other thingy majigs, my main worry is if i have had screen burn or whatever it is, then I can only imagine the screen will be more prone to it in the future.