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No sound problem with TV thru HDMI - compability problem with Samsung?


No sound problem with TV thru HDMI - compability problem with Samsung?


My gear:
Laptop: Sony Vaio VGN AR21M (upg to Vista)
TV 1: Samsung LE52M87BD
TV 2: DiBoss LT-32HLFH
Reciever: Denon AVR 3808

Problem in short: No sound from laptop thru HDMI-out when TV recieves HDMI signal.

Full story: I recieved my new Samsung 52" TV last week - sweet thing except that Ive used up every free hour to problem solving since that. The problem is kind of complex but I´ll try to explain as groundly as I can.

Currently I got both my laptop and my HDTV box connected with HDMI to my receiver wich in turn is connected with HDMI to my TV. Simple enough, right?

I only get video signals, no audio, from the laptop when the TV 1 is on(and searching HDMI in source). When TV 1 is turned off(or just not searching for HDMI input) I get audio. But not at the same time. The problem seams to be that TV 1 can't receive both digital signals and instead try to use analogue input for audio. With TV 2 there is no such problem, both video and audio is recieved from HDMI to HDMI w/o problem.

TV problem right? No, not really. Tested HDTV box with the exact same cables/connections I get both digital audio and video from my HDTV box.

Please beaware that Ive checked all the following:
* Sound output set to HDMI & S/PDIF and HDMI only (wich works as long TV is not searching input)
* Dolby Digital turned off. (test from the thread below)
* Tried 3 different HDMI cables, all input ports on reciever and TV.
* Tried w/o reciever, direct Laptop > TV 1 w/ same results.
* Latest sound drivers released by Sony.
* + etc etc, just ask if I excluded something important. I can spend another week trying if it would help me solve this issue :wink:

I see this as a Sony/Samsung compability problem since I've outruled all other possibilities(TV 2 takes both signals from laptop and TV 1 takes both signals from HDTV box).

I've been in contact with Samsung Support and they couldn't give me any instructions on what to try, every question they asked I'd tried and could answear. I got an open errent there still though.

I've googled my ass off and tried several forums w/o any luck except this thread:;jsessionid=90940C0007D30490529231B3473A0CE...

There you got several other Vaio users experiencing the same problem w/ Samsung TV's and some others.
As you also will see, there is no official answear.

I hope this is well explained enough to deserve an official answear. Unofficial is still very welcomed ofc :slight_smile: As said before, I'm happy to answear/try all questions/suggestions needed to solve this problem.



Addition: The latest sounddriver posted by Sony is here:

However, its not possible to download that file, there is no download prompt and no link to download either. Perhaps this is because that the driver screws up the system - downloaded the exact same file directly from Sigmantels homepage and had do reinstall the old drivers since these didnt work at all.



Addition: The retreive password rutine is broken at vaio-link so I can´t add a case there. I get a mail to my inbox but when I try the link included to set a new password, I get to this page:<=English&style=

I hardly can reregister a new account since theres problerly something about it in the ULA...oh well, Ill call vaio-link helpdesk tomorrow if I don't get any answears here :slight_smile:
