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Memory Card Reader problems on Vaio AR21S


Memory Card Reader problems on Vaio AR21S

I have a Sony Vaio AR21S running Windows XP MCE and recently Sony released an update for the memory card reader/writer (Memory Card Reader/Writer Driver Registry Patch 20060210) and after first atempt at installing the update it asked me to reboot which I did but then after reboot it told me the update had failed now since then I am no longer able to get it to read or write to SD memory cards it simply just hangs with the big egg timer spinning until I remove the memory card. Prior to atempting this update the memory card reader did SD fine. Memory Stick Pro Duos still work fine though. Anyone had this problem or can offer any sugestions as to how to get it working properly again?

Thanks in advance.


Hi, I have a AR21M and just managed to get it to read my flash media by installing the following driver

Flash Driver

Hope this helps


Thanks for replying unfortunatly it didnt work.


i got the same problem with the same laptop ar21s it says reboot once i have it tells me it has fialed but if i click update again it will ask to reboot and so on


i got the same problem with the same laptop ar21s it says reboot once i have it tells me it has fialed but if i click update again it will ask to reboot and so on

It sure is an annoying problem I hope we get it sorted soon. I just cant seem to find any solutions to resolve it.


I have just tried putting and SD card in again only this time I let it hang and eventually this message poped up "F:/ is not accessable, the request could not be performed because of an I/O device error" anyone got any ideas why this is happening?


Same problem here, also on Vaio AR21S.
Hope there is a solution shortly.


We most likely cant resolve it its probably an issue from Sony which they have to look into it asap cuz its really bugging me even tho i dnt use that slot very often its just annoying!

welcome to the forum EMS9201 :wink:


Hi Indy89. I too have an AR21S and I followed the Vaio Updater advice to download the update you mention. I got my update to work fine...I have been able to read and write to my SD cards after installing the update but it seems to have a rather convoluted instal procedure where you have to run it manually after download. Have a look in your C:/Update folder (the default folder for VAIO updates) and you should find there the folder named "TIDMSC-01160801-UN" dated 17th April. Double-click to open then double-click the file there and it should self-instal the needed Registry patch...I decided to disable my Anti-virus and Firewall programs BEFORE running this file so that there was no chance they would interfere with the instal and I recommend you do likewise. After that, just reboot and everything should come up fine. Hope this helps.

Hi simig

I too have ar21s. i have downloaded memory stick pro duo plus memory stick driver update on the vaio updates but when i try to install these it tells me it is not needed that no device for update is present
Have you any idea's lads as to why these will not install or is it that it is not required

