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Most informed sources indicate that the DVD-R writer in the PCV-w1 is also capable of RVD-RAM Write and read - confirmed by Nero Info Tools. But it doesn't work properly - there is no option to format a DVD-RAM anywhere (e.g. rt clk > Format on the drive icon), but you can drag and drop - but this produces a 'delayed write' error.
What the hell is going on here?
Perhaps some of us could do mini reviews of our own equipment (computers I mean!!) and rate the computer to the tasks we perform on it.
Battery life
Programs used
Suitability considering the programs used.
etc etc etc
Yeah now that would be useful
I used to write reviews on Ciao & Dooyoo, but got fed up after a few years .. but made a few pennies at the same time. A mate in Dublin now writes articles for a golf site & mafgazine after his reviews were spotted. Just shows you what can happen though!
I used to write reviews on Ciao & Dooyoo, but got fed up after a few years .. but made a few pennies at the same time. A mate in Dublin now writes articles for a golf site & mafgazine after his reviews were spotted. Just shows you what can happen though!
A lot of the ones at Ciao started to see themselevs as elitist which is part of the rason I left as the fun was going out of writing. OK, a fair few times I got top rewards at the end of the month & a good read rate, but the elitism bit was just a bit too much for me.
Saying that though, I do think that user reviews from those of us with Sony products would be a good idea, It's just a case of how it would be set up & for people to se the reviews should they wish.
Another good thing for the forum would be a chat room where we can have a bit of banter between ourselves.
Chat room ? Excellent idea.
As for reviews, I do write a few for, and I'm 73rd in the list.
Did no-one suggest the inclusion of a chat room during the interviews? A chat room would be good for many reason ... other than just having a bit of banter amongst ourselves. Would have a chance of speeding up solving people's problems for a start or giving out advice .... & so on.
Yeah like :smileygrin:
would be nice
(looks at CU for an opinion).
They could send us each a case of booze for the offical opening though! ... ..Or one of those wall screen TVs ............or,or,or!
Hehe I don't think Sony would want to go that crazy....