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HDMI wont work after laptop fixed

HDMI wont work after laptop fixed

Hi Guys,

I really hope someone can help me.

My laptop was accidently dropped and sent away to be fixed with my house insurance.

Since it has come back a few of things wont work ....

1) HDMI port doesn't work

2) When I amend the volume or contrast it doenst show up on the screen as it used to.

I am not very computer handy :slight_smile:

Can anyone give me an idiots guide to fixing this?

Thanks in advance!


Hi lambmow and welcome.

Who did the repair - I presume it was not Sony?

What exactly was repaired?  Do you have a detailed list?

If the hard drive was replaced, what Operating System has been reloaded?

Can you give us this background - is there anything else that does not work?

It is possible that if the hard drive was replaced, a retail version of Windows may have been installed and this will not have the original Sony software included.  Some of this may be fixable by installing the Sony Utilities.
