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FZ21Z Issue


FZ21Z Issue

Hi all,

I just bought a FZ21Z there on Thursday, and the system has been acting funny all weekend. So I taught the software might be a bit corrupt so I decided to use the recovery media to try and wipe and reset up the laptop to factory default to see if the clean install would fix the issues I was having with the Vista.

So it started to recover all the partitions on the HDD and then gave errors and failed. So now I'm left with a system that won't boot because the recovery media won't work and it chose to fail after clearing the HDD. So I'm going to have to ring Sony tomorrow now to order a set of recovery media, an extra cost that shouldn't have to be made if their recovery software had of made the disks correctly.

I also noticed that the silver strip that is above the keyboard is slightly loose around where the power buttons and media controls are. it seems that it doesn't clip into place correctly like the other side.

So now I'm in a situation do I send it back to my distributor since it's only a few days old, and probably wait another month to either get it replaced or fixed. But how do I go about that with the system not booting because the recovery media issue. If I have to wait for a recovery media kit to come from Sony and get it back to windows the 10 day window of sending back to distribution will be closed and then I'll have to go through the whole rig-marole with dealing with Sony technical support which from reading a couple of posts of issues with sending back machines and not getting very co-operative tech personnel. Also it seems a few people have issues with the recovery media created with these machines. Is it that their software isn't creating the disks OK?

Any advice as to what to do?

Thanks in advance,


After trying the recovery media a few more times continuing to fail, I tried once more and tenth time lucky it worked for me.

So now I only have the issue with the loose silver cover.


Contacted my distributor this morning to see what they would do for me to get this replaced because on a laptop that was this price, I wasn't going to settle for a the casing of the laptop to be loose.

They informed me that I would have to forward on pictures to them of the laptop and box and explain the problem. Then they would contact Sony, to see if they would approve a replacement. They said it would be 5 days or so to get word back from Sony to say if they would approve a replacement or not. Then a new machine would have to be ordered in if they approved which could take another few weeks. A bit of a joke, when another company like HP and Fujitsu-Siemens can arrange a replacement for a faulty product like a DOA to be shipped down within a week.

I decided to call Vaio-link to check out where I stand and the lady told me that because we sell the Sony gear that we would be able to call Catalogue to get the product sent to them, let it be tested, then get it replaced but that this process could take up to 5 weeks. But she couldn't provide me with a contact number for them.

So as it stands at the moment, I have just forked out €1865 for a laptop, which isn't of merchantable quality, waited three and a half weeks to get it in the first place and now have to wait to see if Sony will approve to replace their product that isn't right and possibly wait another few weeks to finally get a product to the standard that this one should have been in.

Has anyone else had any similar problem to this with Sony. For a company so large and well known you think they would be able to resolve these kind of issues quicker that smaller companies instead of taking longer. You pay an extra few quid to get a "Sony" which are supposedly the best but then if you have a problem forget it. I nearly went with a different laptop but said no I'd go for a good Sony.

It's a fine laptop, serious power, rated at 4.6 in vista which was excellent for a laptop, only the RAM and HDD bringing it to below 5, blu-ray excellent bar the Inter video won't allow it to play through the hdmi onto my sony telly. I love the laptop but just if I could get this resolved so I could get installing my software and working on it. Hopefully this will get resolved quicker than I'm being told but we'll see. The last time I had an issue with this was an Acer machine which was a faulty board after a month and it took two months to get repaired, this was the last time I sold an Acer product. I hope this isn't the case with Sony. I like to sell a good Sony product but we'll see.

Will let ye know what happens!! Now it's time to try and cool down!!

When you buy new goods from a shop or a market stall, the law (principally the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended)) says they must:

• be of satisfactory quality. This means the goods must be fit for their purpose and meet the standards that any reasonable person would expect. This includes the appearance and finish of the goods, their safety and durability and whether they are free from defects, including minor faults.

A search on Google may offer further advice but in the meantime here are a couple links to some trading standard guides.

EVERYONE if you haven't made recovery disks ...make them using good quality DVD's ASAP


When you buy new goods from a shop or a market stall, the law (principally the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended)) says they must:

• be of satisfactory quality. This means the goods must be fit for their purpose and meet the standards that any reasonable person would expect. This includes the appearance and finish of the goods, their safety and durability and whether they are free from defects, including minor faults.

A search on Google may offer further advice but in the meantime here are a couple links to some trading standard guides.

I know and this isn't of merchantable quality. I think the laptop as a machine is excellent since I got it wiped but the little glitch in the appearance with the way the lid is would just bug the hell out of me. I wouldn't mind if it took a week to replace but their talking about possibly five weeks which in my eyes is ridiculous when the good wasn't of merchantable quality.

I'll just have to see what the supplier says. Hopefully he can push Sony into passing the swap out and get one in within a few day's. "Fingers Crossed" Maybe then will Sony get back into my good books.

EVERYONE if you haven't made recovery disks ...make them using good quality DVD's ASAP

What happens when you do make the recovery media like most people do and then it doesn't work like or some people. I will probably fork out for the recovery media kit from them if this gets resolved rapidly because spending all day yesterday to try and get it recovered which should only take a couple of hours is yet again ridiculous. Every time I think about the laptop I just get more pi**ed off with Sony.

Attached is a picture of where it's bugging me. The clips that hold this down aren't holding it down secure and when you press one of the control key's like the power key the silver strip also moves down with it because it's not held down tight with the clips beneath it. The left hand side of the laptop is nice, tight and flush where here it's raised.


Hi Jammer84,

I've asked Sony to look into this and hopefully they will be in contact soon..

Can you please check your contact details that you supplied in your Vaio Registration are correct.


if you wish to be contacted on an alternative number let my know via a private message (click HERE ) and I'll forward them onto Sony for you.. :wink: