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FE41S...bundled drivers+apps on fresh install of Vista


FE41S...bundled drivers+apps on fresh install of Vista

Hi folks - I hope one or some of your can hep me out.

I've recently bought myself the great little FE41S. It runs like a dream, but there are a couple of things I'd really like to be able to do, but can't find how...

First up - either the tft panel or the inverter buzzes. It's quite noticable and getting annoying. Is there a way to stop this without having to swap parts?

Second: I like to run a sleek, slender machine - without all of the bundled stuff you get on this model.

So, I've install Vista 'a fresh', but can't get the essential drivers and apps to install fully.

I'm left with:
A wireless switching program which wont turn the bluetooth on/off (it works OK with the Wifi though). Thing is, I rarely use the BT, so it sucks more juice than neccessary when using the wifi.

The S1 and S2 buttons near the mute and volume buttons wont work.

The internal memory stick reader shows up in my computer as two different drives, one with an SD card icon and one with a 'broken' non-descript icon.

I've only got this far after literelly hours of messing around with different versions of drivers and apps, and endlessly reinstalling Visdta - I'm so close to a 100% working install - but yet so bleedin' far!

Anyone got any usefull ideas or tricks I could try please?

I'm not a complete noob though, so links to working drivers and apps/patches would be great!
(A guide would be even better!)



edit: Oh, and I can't get Vaio update to run/install either!







Stupid question. But have you tried the drivers page here:-


not a silly question at all mate - but unfortunately I have.

I've also 'recovered' the laptop the Sony way and then installed all of the updates etc (which worked fine, but with the extra bundled stuff I'd love to get rid of). I then copied them onto a pendrive, reinstalled vista and installed the drivers + updates which previously worked - and I still cant everything going!

Does anyone have a definitive list of what needs installing in what order? pleeeaaassee