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For the record - Bought this PC on Boxing Day 2007 and the CD/DVD driver stopped working after 3 weeks! Eror code 10 is showing on driver.I've noticed posts relating to faulty dvd player going back to 2006.It seems to be a common problem. I really liked this PC but am reluctant to exchange for another. The Sony Centre kindly sent a fellow round to he house to sort it but because the PC doesn't recognise there's a disc in he couldn't do a system restore. He suggested he could go into the partition in the hard drive (not sure if that's the correct term he used) but he said he couldn't guarantee that would work. We are getting a refund. Is there anyone out there with one of these PC's which fully works?
Hi Sixtyone,
welcome to Club Vaio..
Your problem sounds like it's an hardware problem, however to be sure you could try these solutions before you obtain your refund.
1)Right Click on the Computer desktop icon and select Properties..
In the new System window Click on Device Manager..
Click Continue on the Use Account Window..
Expand CD/DVD drives
delete your CD/DVD drive then restart your Vaio..
Your CD/DVD drive should now re-install.
Does your CD/DVD work now.?
2)You can run the Vaio Recovery Utility using your Vaio's hidden HDD recovery partition.
To do this by Restart your Vaio, when you see the Vaio Logo press the F10 key repeatedly.
Thanks Thalamus for your reply. I had already tried deleting and reinstalling the driver several times but I've still got error code 10 and the icon to reject a cd/dvd in the close menu totally disappeared. It had already stopped working anyway.It's interesting to know you can recover without the discs. If it can be done the way you explained it seems pointless making recovery discs in the first place.I have lost faith in this PC because it didn't last long and really don't think I should be using the recovery utilitiy when it's less than a month old and I never got round to burning any discs. Judging by the posts in this forum I think that could be another problem waiting to happen. I'd rather reject it now before it's too late. I think this pc's great in other respects and in my opinion is the best looking all-in-one on the market.I want another but haven't seen any good reviews.
It's interesting to know you can recover without the discs. If it can be done the way you explained it seems pointless making recovery discs in the first place.