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Disposable laptops?


Disposable laptops?

i bought sony Vaio FS-315s in december 27th, 2005. it works very well for the duration of one year till it was under warranty. but as soon as the warranty expired on 27th december 2006, exactly after one week its display technology which sony is so much proud of and they mention it "BEST DISPLAY TECHNOLOGY" becomes a huge load on my pocket. On 5th january 2007 i put on my laptop and just after 5 minutes it flickers for 2/3 times and then went blank. after showing it to a sony service centre. the technical staff told me that display controller is damaged and we have put a new one which cost 100 euros approximately. after my willingness they called somewhere for part supply and then they told me that another BIG ADVANTAGE of my series is that they cannot change only controller and they have to put the whole new display package which cost 630 euros. i want to ask any sony customer service representative here that if your customers have to pay half of the price of there laptops after every one year ( Fortunately just after expiration of there warranty period) then y not to buy a new laptop instead of repairing it, atleast again we can use the new model for one year without any fear. i bought sony which was a bit expensive than acer or other few laptops because i thought it has better technology, which i ENJOYED ALOT. i want to ask sony that y dont you change your slogan, rather add another sentence in your slogan and that is " LIKE NO OTHERS, ONE YEAR DISPOSABLE LAPTOPS"


Hi samiengr,

Welcome to Club vaio, :slight_smile:

I'm sorry to hear of your problems, :slight_frown: in case your not aware, Club Vaio is a user forum for official Sony support you can contact Vaio-link ...

I feel the same way as you Sami, they're not doing enough to protect the enviorment of computer waste. Yes OK, it might be expensive to replace a display, but it means that buying a new laptop is cheaper in some cases, and I think Sony are being terrible irresponsable by not making the technology recycable or re-usable by them.

It just seems to me, "oh well, 830€ or throw it out", which is damaging the enviorment as it's not bio degradable.

We need to think about this, for our children's futures, and for everyone's health and well being.

OK that's my enviro-spiel over.