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Dear all,
Does anyone know the location and type of the CMOS battery for my GRX316MP notebook? I have removed the keyboard and the power button cover, but have not been able to locate the battery. My Real Time Clock (RTC) is running incorrectly and looses many hours and I wish to replace the CMOS battery as I understand that this is the solution. It appears that Sony use a two-cell NiMH rechargeable battery, usually shrink-wrapped in green.
Any guidance greatly appreciated.
I don't dare open my GRX
Hi Thalamus,
Thanks for the link, I thought I would re-post my question on this forum as I mistakenly misquoted the model number of my machine in the title of my previous thread. I am posting my query in this forum as I have not received any response from Sony when I contaced them several days ago via vaio-Link. I hope this is not indicative of poor customer support services of Sony.
Many thanks,
I am posting my query in this forum as I have not received any response from Sony when I contaced them several days ago via vaio-Link.
Hello again Thalamus,
Thanks for coming back. Yes, you are probably right it is a vintage machine and most others have probably replaced their's by now, hence few responses. I will certainly try approaching my local computer repairers as they might have had a GRX316MP apart. I am able to do the repair myself once I have located the battery. The issue is that I have taken the machine apart as far as I dare (power switch panel out, keyboard removed, and ancilliary screening plates to get a good view of most of the MB. But no sign of the battery yet!
I have visited a site that had various Vaio Schematic Diagrams, but not for my machine, but did have one for the GRX510 (see image link attached). This does look very similar to my machine's construction and the battery that I am looking for would be Item 31 (Battery Nickel Hydrogen)in the schematic. I have viewed this area in my machine, but it does not seem to be there! Perhaps they forgot to fit it .
Thanks for your advice,
Hello again Thalamus,
Thanks for coming back. Yes, you are probably right it is a vintage machine and most others have probably replaced their's by now, hence few responses. I will certainly try approaching my local computer repairers as they might have had a GRX316MP apart. I am able to do the repair myself once I have located the battery. The issue is that I have taken the machine apart as far as I dare (power switch panel out, keyboard removed, and ancilliary screening plates to get a good view of most of the MB. But no sign of the battery yet!
I have visited a site that had various Vaio Schematic Diagrams, but not for my machine, but did have one for the GRX510 (see image link attached). This does look very similar to my machine's construction and the battery that I am looking for would be Item 31 (Battery Nickel Hydrogen)in the schematic. I have viewed this area in my machine, but it does not seem to be there! Perhaps they forgot to fit it .
Thanks for your advice,
Hello Kee-Lo,
I tried to attach an image but then decided to post the URL of the site containin the reference information by editing my message. The post became duplicated and the one before my last contains the referenced link. In case you are interested, here it is again:-
Image of GRX510 Main Parts Assembly
I think the build of this machine is similar to my GRX316, but I would like to verify this first before I re-open the case.
Hi Bryan,
Have you tried e-mailing Nexttronics and asking them where the CMOS battery is located..