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BSOD when trying to install video drivers


BSOD when trying to install video drivers

i have a huge problem with my vaio (vgn-fs215s).
The problems began with the screen flickering
but for me it was not a problem and i thought to fix this issue
reinstalling the OS.
This week the problem changed because the the vaio does not boot anymore because of a bsod but i was able to boot it in safe mode. At this point i have decided to make a backup of my data and reinstall the OS with the recovery disks.
The result is again bsod.
So i have decided to install windows xp professional with sp2(the one that i use on my desktop pc).
The OS was installed successfully and i begin to install the drivers. first the one of the network card, audio, memory stick and finally the video driver, but at this point i receive again a bsod, so i can't install the video drivers...
Any idea on how to fix it ???
thank you.