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A partition appread in my laptop named as Q and cannot be accessed!!! What is that?

A partition appread in my laptop named as Q and cannot be accessed!!! What is that?

Just bought a vaio e series laptop. A partition named Q appeared as my local disk. What is that? I m guessing that partition is for the qucik web access, is it?


I guess you are right - this is almost certainly a Linux partition created when you set up the Quick Web Access.

I have asked Sony to confirm and will let you know if we get a reply.


According to my knowledge, it has nothing to do with quick web access. I know rather few of this issue, but it also appeared on my previous notebook -- which is not from sony, -- that I reformatted the whole drive for the first time. I belive Windows is creating a partition, that supposed to be hidden, but after time it is reviled.

As I'm concerned, Quick Web Access is a linux based system/tool, so you can confirm what I say, with the following steps: (It might be too technical)

  1. type the 'partition' word in the start menu search box, and you find something like "Create and format partitions on harddrive". (I don't know what it's precise name.) You may need to click yes, or type your password, depending on your User Account Control setting.
  2. On the new window that appeared, will appear a list, that contains all the partitions, like your C drive, or Q drive. Find the Q partition, and check it's filesystem type:
    • If it is NTFS, it is most certainly not the Quick Web Access partition.
    • If it is not displayed or unknown, it is possible that it is the Quick Web Access partition.
    • If it's refers to that partition as some kind of system, security or backup partition, then it most likely made by Windows, and it is Windows related.
    • If it is FAT, than it can be any of the above mentioned situation, but very unlikely that it would be the Quick Web Access partition.

Although here, you can also can hide it if you wish:

  1. Right click on the Q partition and select the menu point that refers to the partition's letter. (Something like "Change partition letter [...]")
  2. On the newly appeared window (where should be a list and three buttons), select Q and then click remove.
  3. Probably a confirmation dialog will appear, that you probably need to click 'yes'. (Unless the question is twisted in a way that you need to answer it to it as 'no', or the wrong buttons appear, and need to click 'ok', 'cancel', etc.)
  4. You can close all of these windows.

Since I remember only the overall process, you can get a much precise description on Microsoft site.

Although I'm also interested in their response, and also want to know, how much drive space it need if it needs an extra partition. (Most propably it will needs one.)

Message was edited by: jadaml