From unhappy customer....(laptop bought in October 08th 2006)= 4 months.
HI...since I change my HP'laptop for one V.A.I.O SONY...just had dissapointment with it.....(2 waste of time doing system recovery wich means prepare all my staff twice) and now after 3 weeks of peace one more time I think will need again...and to get worst my system recorvery aplication doesn't open from start menu....I'm such luck because I made my Recovery CD when I got it. LUCK! LUCK!
Since last night everthing was ok....this morning turn on the computer....
1. Point.exe econtered problems and need to close..something like that.
2. Trying to do system recovery from Windows itself..none of my recovery point doesn't working. (Wich one been worst... SONY laptop or Microsoft Windows?).
3. SONY' Recorvery application NOT work.
4. and NEW one.. when turn off computer kind of mensage appear: memory error fcx''(something..something and somethig)
so for anyone wich see it....probably something serious happen with it.
How you can see since I discovered that FORUM just had some complain...really sorry don't mean it...but need some happyness after my daily stressfull day.
Thank you....and really will be happy if someone look after it like when looked after to buy a new computer for me.
Thank you
Mr. Nobrega.