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I've tried playing around with the display settings on the XL201, but it only offers 1080i.
I have a 1080P LCD tv, so would like to set the computer 1080P. Is it possible with the XL201?
The display settings options seem much more limited than the normal nvidia control panel.
After a little look around go to the japanese website and downloading Win DVD HD8 will bridge any software problem you may be having but don't take my word for it have a good read here and you will find the link to the Jap version of win dvd hd and cyberlinks prontifications about how brilliant they are. :smileygrin: if you are HDCP then you're ready set go for perfect 1080p
Thanks Tony. I'll have a look at that link.
I was more looking at the overall display settings though. i.e. the 46" lcd is the main screen for the XL201.
Both the pc and the tv are supposed to have true 1920x1080 res and progressive, but the only option the Xl201 gives me in the display settings is 720P or 1080i 😞 There should be a 1080p option, but none is there.
Thanks seb21,
I've been holding off installing nvidia's latest drivers, as the XL201 manual warns against using non Sony drivers.
The graphics driver is an nvidia one, but obviously tweaked/limited by Sony. The display options are a severely cut down version of the normal nvidia drivers, with hardly any options 😞 The only option is to change between 720p and 1080i, the menus for changing res etc (like in that link) just aren't there...
Can anyone confirm whether the XL201 will work with normal nvidia drivers?
I tried Nvidia's latest drivers, and they allow me to set the pc to 1080P woohoo.
Unfortunately it does then mean I have no sound going to me telly 😞 Looks like the Sony Nvidia drivers allow for the sound to be sent via the hdmi cable too.
So I'm going to have to put the old drivers on and complain to Sony, since the pc is advertised as Full HD 1080p 😞