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Why does my Bravia switches inputs on its own

Why does my Bravia switches inputs on its own

Have owned a Bravia for a couple of months and love it, picutre quality is great. However I have issue I am unable to resolve. I am watching TV via a Virgin set top box which I have attached to the AV1 socket of the TV. While watching TV it works fine however if I switch inputs to another input such as HDMI4 which I am using for the Playstaio 3 the TV will sometimes switch back to AV1 by itself even if the Virgin box is switched off. It seems to be completely random and once I switch the input back it never happens again. Please can anyone help me answer this question as apart from this the TV is great. Thanks

Message was edited by: scouser99

Message was edited by: scouser99

Message was edited by: scouser99

Message was edited by: scouser99

Message was edited by: scouser99

Message was edited by: scouser99


I have the Bravia 900XF 65" and am dealing with the same issue still after failed tech support, service call and now a brand new replacement TV that I received 2 days ago. The fact that it's happening on a brand new second TV is discouraging, especially when I think of what they will put me through when I call. I don't enjoy repeatedly dealing with issues on a brand new purchase.