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what formats can home videos play back from USB portable hard drive

what formats can home videos play back from USB portable hard drive

I want to store home slideshows on a portable HD and play them back on my Bravia 37ex723 in as high a resolution as possible. The software I have is Magix Photostory on CD DVD 10 delux. Output can be DVD, HD1 or HD2 in WMV, MPEG 2 & 4 formats (all supported by the TV). Tests I have done give inconsistent results and invariable result in jerky playback altogether or jerky fades between slides. Small file sizes seem more consistent - a 13 min slideshow recorded HD2/mpeg4 works fine but a 55min video gives jerky fades in the same format. Is the problem with a) the file size playback on the TV b) file size with the laptop/software.


Rather a)

You see, with 13 minute video You are ok as You say, becouse with 13 minute HD video in mpeg 4 You are still in FAT 32 order. 55 minute artefact remind You to format Your fails in FAT 32. That is my apignion.

So, Your movie can be biger than 4 gb but formated in FAT 32 , it will be splited, but it will play.

