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very poor customer support

very poor customer support

One of the good things of coming to this forum is that we are not alone. I have had similar customer UNsupport and fed up with Sony and pursuing my money back from my credit card. Sony has lost the premium completely.

I have posted the previous comment four times in this thread . They have been deleting it. I do not know why because it is not offensive, incite violence or similar. I am just saying that my personal experience with Sony UNsupport has been as tragic as the one who originally posted there. If Sony does not want angry customers then it should considerably improve their customer service and really make it customer orientated. Needless to say about the quality of their products.

Catmambo you might have been affected by cancer but you are not the only one. I have been affected by cancer as well and I made the simile because all the problems that one has to face to sort problems with sony support are extremely tiring and repetitive. Sony should be more customer orientated and not treating customer like criminals.

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