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streaming video from Ipod to TV

streaming video from Ipod to TV

Dear Sirs

I have recently been given an ipod touch 4G for my 50th and have been playing about with it trying to link the TV and the computer all together. (but at the moment i'm leaving the computer to tv via the ipod for another day)

I have come across the iMediaShare app,- premium version, (which i see there are a couple of you out there that had it).  What I’m trying to do is to play the video taken by the ipod (and stored in the camera roll section), on to my Bravia KDL-32ex503.  I can get my photos and music on the TV but not the videos.

I have emailed the guys at iMediaShare and they say that the TV needs to be able to receive mp4 via the DLNA link. Can you confirm whether this is possible?

