
Sony KDL-32EX717

Hello, I have a Sony Bravia KDL-32EX717 withou support.
I found the last firmaware update ver 4.131EUL-0108 in softpedia but I cound not install.
The file is a zip folder, and when unzipped i found a 00020301_02130000.bin file no any pkf file and the TV did not auto update.
How can I create a pkg file o what I have to do to update mi TV.

I appreciate your help

Have a good day


Hi @jlinaresl 

As you already know software updates for your TV have been terminated. Any software from other sources and not direct from Sony are definitely not supported. The last update for your TV was released in January 2015! What is your current software level?


Thanks a lot for your time.
My installed software versión is PKG4.117GTL-0108
I can not connect to any streeming service, thats my problem
Thank you again
Have a good day


Looking at a previous discussion from 2017 in these support pages it may be correct that the file is a .bin file.



The outcome to the issue was to put the .bin file in folder called 



Copy the folder with the .bin file onto a USB formatted as FAT32.

Insert it in the TV and try the update process again.


It is not always recommended to use an update from a third party site unless you are completely confident

of its provenance.


In January of this year Sony removed most of its legacy software for its older products from its download pages, this included your model of TV.


The last update for your TV was released in January 2015.


If you do manage to install the software you downloaded you may find that the streaming services you wish

to use may still not work on your TV as they may use newer protocols that may not be compatible with the software on your TV. In that case it may be necessary for you to buy a another device such as a PVR or fire stick that can provide you with the services you require.

Or you could buy a new TV.