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Netflix works on my nx710 but not on my nx800? (Denmark)

Netflix works on my nx710 but not on my nx800? (Denmark)

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I live in Denmark and have just purchased an american IP through, so that i can use netlix on my internet tv's. i have set up my kdl-nx710, and it works perfect with netflix.

My problem is that i have a KDL-nx800 also, but i cant get that to work. When i have changed the settings, like in my nx710 so the tv thinks it is i the US, i can get no apps whatsoever.

Does anyone know why? I mean it should work since it works on my nx710, right?

Could it be that the nx800 is locked in some kind of way, and if yes, how do i open it up?

I ahve also seen people who has it working on a kdl-ex500, which should be the same generation as the nx800, so can anyone help?