KDL42W805 On Timer Issue


KDL42W805 On Timer Issue

Hey Guys,


Not sure if its possible, if im being an idiot and just missing something......


Recently bought the above model which I had replaced an older non smart Sony Flat Television.


When setting the on timer up, I noticed that the only channels that can be selected is (im guessing) analogue/digital 00-99,There is no option for it to turn on at a HDMI channel.


My querie is, is there a way to get it to turn on with the HDMI connectionl.


I currently have a virgin subscription which is viewed through the HDMI, analogue doesnt exist anymore in the UK and digital i have no need to setup as 1. i got Virgin and 2. I have no aerial installedp to tune it in,


The old TV did this without a hitch, why cant a 'Smart' Tv do it?


I would be very gratefull for any solution.