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KDL40EX724 Last program viewed facility missing!

KDL40EX724 Last program viewed facility missing!

Having just installed my KDL40EX724, I must say that I am delighted with it. The picture quality even without HD is superb. However, there is one item  that needs attention  the lack  of  an  easy way to  access to the previous channel viewed is a real dissapointment and needs to be addressed by Sony. This facility was implemented on my Sony set top box and on another Sony TV.  I  am certain   this could be done with Sony's help. The HOME button selection could be retained at switch off to bring up the previous most used function. This would allow viewing of last programme viewed or any most frequently required function. Although a new model, nobody has yet  backed my views.

Message was edited by: bearjosh

Message was edited by: bearjosh

Message was edited by: bearjosh

Message was edited by: bearjosh