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Kdl-46X3500 Big problem With Sony Portugal!

Kdl-46X3500 Big problem With Sony Portugal!

Mr. Howard, Sony Ceo President,


My name is Paulo, from Portugal:

I came to you because i have a big big probleme with Sony Portugal!

  I   bought a Sony TV (46X3500) in June 2009. The same only I was delivered in August by breaking it stock. In February 2010 it broke, screen problem () at the forums i find out about this series had  a manufacturing defect. I contacted Sony, and replaced the d

efective panel, except that the TV no longer has the same image quality.

Now in February 2011 was again damaged, this time, according to Sony technicians, Problems of power supply. I contacted Sony in the sense that too many faults for a supposedly qual

ity product, since it is a top quality LCD. And for me it is clear that damage is related to the first speech on TV. But they do not want to know about my complaints!

However I find myself with a faulty TV that I bought as top of the range (I paid aroun

d 3500 euros) and that have any quality, presenting complaint in the brand and turn a deaf ear because they know well the deception that made to me. Now the TV is the reparative authorized sony, and I will raise him up to resolve this problem.

now since 20 april the sony costumer service, don´t answer to my case? They give me always the same answer: you must wait for a decision!

I am waiting for 3 months!!!

Sony Portugal is shame for Sony!

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