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SVR-HDT500 remote control problem

SVR-HDT500 remote control problem


My SVR-HDT500 has recently developed a problem where frequently when I press a button on the remote it registers twice.  It has become very difficult to use.  It pages up or down twice; if I try and select info in the TV guide it registers twice and cancels the instruction.  I have to do this sometimes 10 times before it works.

I don't know if it is the remote or the main unit.  Has anyone else experienced this?  Would a software update or factory reset help?  I presume this would lose all of the recorded programmes...



Not applicable

Hi there

My mum actually had this happen to her alot, as in, when she presses the button on the remote control, it actually does two button presses. When I observed this happening, its actually a user error. As in, my mum wasnt taking her finger off the button quick enough.

My suggestion is to try various ways in pressing the buttons on the remote. As in gently, hard, slow, fast etc etc.

My other concern is what you said, as in its only recently started happening. It may be that the buttons on the remote have become sticky/dirty etc. Maybe a good clean may assist in getting it to function correctly.

Another suggestion, is there a way that you can find an alternative remote control to use. Just in case the remote is malfunctioning?

Hope that helps in any way.