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RDR.. Issues (May 2014) - MASTER THREAD


RDR.. Issues (May 2014) - MASTER THREAD

Friday 23rd May approx 19:00 attempted to turn on DVD recorder RDR-HXD995. Seemed reluctant to power on from remote (and when pressing power on on unit itself) as in UPDATE mode. Finally after switching power off at the wall a few times, managed to get it to respond. However when a channel is selected, it displays for a short while and then the screen goes blank. Also, a programme which was set to record, has not recorded.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem - is this July all over again or is it just me?

Any help/advise would be appreciated.


181 REPLIES 181
Not applicable

Hi all


Am I assuming that the consensus is that all is now working as expected?



Well, finally after the latest attempt I seem to have got my recorder back to normal.  How long it stays that way before another duff update breaks it again is anybody's guess.  I'm pretty sure that nothing I did sorted out my problem as I have tried all the suggested fixes multiple times without success.


My latest attempt to retune as "UK" seems to have worked.  The channels no longer go black and the normal digital guide is all there (and in the correct colours).  I have tested scheduling a recording via the EPG.  It worked.


I have a couple of observations on one of suggested "fixes", i.e. starting a retune and then exiting before it completes.  I don't believe this every really did anything for me.  I had used the popular workaround of going to "France" earlier, but an interrupted "UK" scan did not replace the "France" setting.  As a result the digital programme guide was an hour out in its timings although it looked normal.  Only (the latest) full scan as "UK" finally sorted things out for me.  Earlier attempts had repeatedly got me nothing but blanking channels and no EPG info, so I assume the output coming from Crystal Palace has (probably) been fixed now.


I would just like to add to the chorus of "this nonsense has to stop".  If this problem keeps happening randomly then all these recorders become largely useless if we cannot rely on them recording correctly on any given day.

Sony, EPG people, just sort yourselves out will you?

Thanks to Habboi for this info which I followed and my system is working too.


One additional bit of info which may be helpful. My system is RDR-HXD970 and connected by HDMI. After following a full reset, the on screen menus were in 4:3 aspect ratio. On my system this can be corrected by:


System Menu>>Initial Setup


Scroll down on LHS to 'HDMI Output'


then move across to the right to '4:3 Video Output' and set this to 'Full Screen'


My machine had seemed to sort itself around lunchtime following help from the forum and I awaited the 2.00 p.m. - after which it all went pear-shaped again!  I set it all up again and once more the EPG was showing, but the wrong colours, but this has again righted itself this afternoon.


So I hope it is all resolved, but until we get another update later I am not convinced.


Yes, mine is back to normal - thank you for all your efforts. Do we unplug our aerials at lunchtime next Friday? I don't suppose it will achieve anything as I won't be able to use it that way anyway!
Regards to all that contributed to trying to resolve this week's problem.

Sent from my iPad


I initially thought my Sony PVR had a problem and stopped working. Glad I found this thread and
realised that this problem was not unique to me. I finally sorted the problem out.



 Here is what I did:


1. Disconnect power lead and left for about a minute.

2. Did a factory reset:

a. Power on Sony PVR
b. Press Stop then Press and release the On/Standby button.
c. Release the stop button and Sony PVR powers down.

3. Switch on and retuned to country as FRANCE. This stopped the corruption.

4. Switch off and then switch on.

5. Retuned to country set as 'UK'. Set the EPG to Digital EPG and NOT Guide+.

6. Working !


This approach worked for me after some trial and error experimenting.

Good Luck !

Good points from 'ianmb1' who I think is getting close to the root of the matter and 'grumpybloke' for "this nonsense has got to stop"! Indeed it has!


However, I hold out no great hope that it actually will! All of these items of equipment are now getting quite old. My RDR-HXD970 was bought Dec 2007. Typical life of any electronic kit these days is only 5 to 7 years before it becomes obsolete. I also imagine there are several other factors at work here.


Firstly I suspect that Sony have no commercial interest whatsoever in keeping older items of kit going and would much rather we all went out and bought a newer product.


Even if Sony do have an interest in fixing this issue, they may be limited in what they can actually do in so far as the core technology of these units seems to be from Pioneer so they may have minimal ability to fix things by way of firmware updates etc.


Finally the Electronic Program Guide (EPG), which seems to be at the heart of this problem, is generated and issued by a third party. I imagine Sony will have litle or no influence in how that is produced or deployed and thus-far have been exclusively relying on the EPG to be issued correctly to stop these problems occurring. They appear to have done nothing obvious since the first issue in July 2013 to remedy the situation by way of firmware etc.


Clearly the latest two problems in the last week show that it is not possible for Sony to rely on the EPG happening correctly. Indeed the latest problem seems to be tied to only one region from the Crystal Palace transmitter so there seemingly isn't even national consistency in how the EPG is deployed or configured.

The organisations who seem to be involved in this as far as I can work out are: Sony/Pioneer (for the firmware side of things); Digital UK (who seem to be responsible for the EPG for terrestrial Freeview) and OFCOM who seem to licence the EPG providers.


(I am happy to be corrected on the above as I have only got those names by Googling and trying to find out just exactly who-does-what in this process seems to be extremely difficult indeed)


The harsh reality is that this is quite likely never to be fixed reliably. This probably means having to replace this particular generation of hard disk recorders.


I imagine, however, that anyone affected by this problem is unlikely to put Sony near the top of their list for a replacement recorder! (Not even sure they make them any more!)


It would be really nice to get an official statement from Sony on what their position is on this:


* firstly some kind of apology for a very annoying inconvenience (yet again)
* secondly have they identified the root cause(s) of the problem
* thirdly what are they going to do about it to stop it ever happening yet again (if anything)


If the final answer is that they are not actually going to do anything to fix this, they should just be up-front and say so. That way we could all plan accordingly and move to using some other equipment. I'd be very sad to do that as I love my RDR-HXD970 and it is a great bit of kit.

Finally, thanks to Quinnicus (and other members on this forum) for providing useful suggestions and feedback. If it wasn't for this forum, my Sony hard disk recorder would have (unnecessarily) gone down to the tip by now!

Thanks Quinnicus. Both my 870's seem to be OK now. Until next Friday then?

Not applicable

Thank you to all for your kind words.  However you guys did most of the hard work as well as being very patient too.  Most appreciated that you didnt "shoot the messenger" :drink:


See you all next Friday. :grin:  (seriously : I hope not - well not this issue anyhow)


Cheers guys.


I've been out all afternoon but the EPG menu is now back to the usual colour and I can start to input all my programmes again.  Sigh.


I've been on Amazon looking for a replacement and no, it won't be a Sony one.


I am close to Crystal Palace btw.