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Delay in processing sound on STR-DN1080 from sonos connect

Delay in processing sound on STR-DN1080 from sonos connect

I have a sony STR-DH520 that I have been using for the last few years as my AV receiver. As part of the setup I have to it I have a sonos connect wired to the analogue CD input.

This sonos element is paired with a play 1 in the same room and for the last 3 years as long as I leave the sound field in A.F.D it is perfectly synchronised and I get a 2.1 signal out of the amp.

I wanted a 4k compatible AV receiver and was really disappointed when I tried the STR-DN1080 to find that in exactly the same setup I now get a synchronisation issue. It appears that the receiver is doing some sort of processing on the signal that is delaying the sound and causing an echo.

I tried all the different sound fields (the ones with 2.0 output were really thin without the base) and tried all the different connections.

I feel I am missing something as I can’t believe that what used to work on older hardware no longer does on the latest incarnation. Does anyone have any suggestions or come across something similar?


Hi  – it could be that your assessment of the issue is correct; the new receiver may be processing the analogue signal from your Sonos box, possibly to interpolate the resolution up to 4K compatibility.  


Have you tried using one of the optical connections to see if that problem persists?



Tried that, but to no avail.  Still a sync issue.


Looks like I'm going to have to take the STR-DN1080 back