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Who do I talk to about an idea for a product?


Who do I talk to about an idea for a product?


I have an idea for a product and don't see anywhere on the Sony Website pointing me in the direction of a contact that will discuss new and innovative products with consumers.  I do notice Sony is all about imagination, innovation and new ideas, so why don't we have somewhere to submit our product ideas or find out if a particular product exists or is in the process of being developed?  If our ideas are used by Sony in the development of new technology, does Sony have a policy of compensating their consumers for their ideas?  Any advice/comments would be appreciated.  Thanks


What if I have an idea, and am not interested in recieving compensation. I have a good idea, with a marketing strategy, that would provide SONY's ("liscencors"), with a great experience concerning the new, rumored, "PS5". Any idea on how I would contact them with that? I guess I could blatantly say something that went against their ("Agreement"), that also contains my "idea", and that would force them to have to review it, right.

Hmm.., good luck with that. Talking to anyone of any relevance at Sony is difficult, god knows I spent long enough when I discovered a bug with my Blu-ray player (BDP-S7200)


That said, you could start with Head Office, address below


Sony Europe B.V.
The Heights, Brooklands, Weybridge,
Surrey, KT13 OXW,
United Kingdom


Further details here: Company Information 

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