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Phone stuck on bootloop or isn't responding shortly after boot and crashes

Phone stuck on bootloop or isn't responding shortly after boot and crashes

My Sony Xperia Z5 Compact fell off a treadmill and went haywire.

If I don't do anything it's stuck in bootloop, powers up, showes the loading screen moving lines for ages and eventually restarts.
If I start tapping the phone (unplugged) eventually it boots up, and it like normal, but if I do anything too quickly it will give me an error "process system isn't responding" with options to exit or wait, regardless it will crash. If at any point the screen goes to sleep it will crash, so I have to keep interacting. This one time I managed to get to the point where I plugged in into my pc, unlock the phone, select data transfer and started phone repair using Xperia PC software but it crashed before software finished the download and then gave me an error. Sometimes when I plug it in at that stage it will crash. Then back to the loop unless I tap the screen (only works sometimes, but I haven't seen it boot without me doing it, could be a consistent coincidence tho).

If I hold volume up + power button when the phone is off, nothing happens. If I do it while it's booting it will vibrate 3 times, restart, and then turn off (the only way to exit bootloop basically) but doesn't lead me to a recovery screen or anything I can interact with. Phone is not flashed or anything. When it restarts it will blink the red light a few times. Is there any chance to recover data or even just the phone?



Hi there,


Welcome to the Sony Community.


I'd recommend getting in touch with the Sony Support team for further help with this here.


Best wishes,
