Nitemare! Please help!

Nitemare! Please help!

Hi can anyone help !!?

My previous reader device PRS-300 has been lost/stolen (who knows!)

My mother has kindly donated hers to me (which she has had for some time and only used a few times)

My problem is I cannot register this device to my account as it says it is already registered to another user, my mom has no memory wotsoever of account details she set up, so I am at a complete loss on if it is even possible to register the device or how to do it! (Im rubbish at all this computer stuff!!!)

Another problem I have is If I actually manage to overcome this obstacle will I lose all my books from my current reader library??? How do I keep these books from disappearing and how do I get them onto the reader my mom has given me??

Honestly I havent a clue and would appreciate any help on these issues wotsoever!

Many Thanx in advance, Nikki


Hi nikki2010,

welcome to Questions & Answers..:smileyhappy:

Does this help..

Connect your Reader to your PC via USB.

Open the Reader Library software & click Reader located in the menu on the right hand side of the screen.

Now press & hold Ctrl & Shift and tap the D key a couple of times..

You can check if the reader has been deathorised by either clicking on Status in the left hand menu of the Reader Library software..


Disconnect your Reader from the PC, switch the reader on & navigate to the About section..

You should hopefully be able to authorise your reader again by doing the following..

Connect your reader to your pc & open reader library

Drag one of your purchased book to your reader.

All being well you should see a pop-up window prompting you to authorise the Reader.

Make sure you use the same user ID & password that you used to purchase the ebooks..

And check your Downloads panel - unless you deleted them, the original file for each book should be there I think - that's why I have changed the default setting on the pop-up option box to "Save to File" - means you can bung 'em where you like.

You're OK using the d/load file again - you are allowed to load 'em on up to 6 devices.

Dunno what happens after the 6th time, but p'raps it's like "Mission Impossible" - "This device will self-destruct, Jim ( or, in your case, Nikki )  in 30 seconds if you use this ebook d/load  again..." .   :wink:

This could be a turndown if it will self-destruct. I guess an error will just show up on the 7th and succeeding tries.