New Reader for PC Software

New Reader for PC Software

Has anyone else found the new Reader for PC software less than useless. The old version allowed you to move content easily to the reader without having to "Synchronise" a whole collection. The new one is so awkward and seems to have been specified by someone without any sense. When you first connect a reader, the software seems to try to synchronise. If the reader has been used before & has a lot of content, the system hangs. There doesn't seem to be a way of turning off the sync for a reader before you connect it. I had to delete the entire reader content (PRS-650) in order to allow me to get it to function with the new software so that I could turn off the Sync. This version is a backward step in my opinion & is short of some very useful functionality. You only have to look at Calibre to see what is useful.

Please Sony, do some work on this to make it useful as soon as you can. It will put people off the lovely readers you make.

Frustatedly yours.... PRS-650 & PRS-T1 user


I hate this new software so much I am considering buying a Kindle!!!!! I have ended up with duplicate books on my PrS650 but they are not duplicated in my library and how the heck do you delete books off the reader?

I much prefered the old software which was user friendly this one certainly isn't

Sony do something and fast!!!

As users of the PRS-650 just ignore the Sony software and use Calibre.

I've had the PRS-600 and now the PRS-650 and have never touched Sonys offering for over 2 years.

Yes, the latest Calibre automatically recognises the T1.

Just download your bought/free books , remember to select the "Save to File" option, and drag 'n Drop straight into Calibre library area.


Quick, versatile, and easy.

Thanks guys, I downloaded Calibre a last week but thought it was only for converting ebooks (not as clued up as I thought I was) so really appreciate your input so its goodbye Sony PC reader software and hello Calibre :slight_smile:

I have posted before about this usless piece of software may be ok if you only have newT1 but I have had 3 other Sony's before I have uninstalled the program and gone back to old library which is working for me at the moment, I would however say to anyone else DONT install this try Calibre instead , I spent hours trying to work this out with a lot of stress and got nowhere when are Sony going to get a good library program that matches there very good readers????