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Sony ZV1 recording fine one day, turning itself off abruptly the next. What is going on?

Sony ZV1 recording fine one day, turning itself off abruptly the next. What is going on?

Hi Sony community...

I thought I'd cracked this mystery but I haven't!

I'm recording yoga videos using the Sony ZV1 in a very fixed setting. I film videos of 90 + minutes, with the camera plugged into the mains. The simple studio environment is always the same. The camera settings are always the same. The camera is placed in exactly the same position on the window sill every time I film. The temperature of the room is normal. I have a 256 GB memory card.

Usually the camera works beautifully - it's all good. Lovely image quality. Huge improvement on my last camera.

Why oh why then did it suddenly turn itself off after a few minutes of filming today's class? So I can't deliver the class video as promised. Unless I accidentally adjusting a setting somehow, everything's the same as when it merrily filmed an entire 90 minute session a few days ago.

I always delete the files from the camera after filming after transferring them onto a separate hard drive.

I'm so frustrated and anxious and puzzled. Is there something wrong with my lovely new camera? What is happening.

If the sensor is turning the camera off - then why? Everything in the environment is controlled and moderate. I'm not filming 4K, just HD. And like I said, most of the time works fine.

Is the ZV1 a bit temperamental?


Have you tried removing the memory card and battery for ~3mins then try shooting a similar 90+ min dummy video to test it out?


If you've tried that already, try initializing the camera then try shooting another dummy video.

Thanks for your kind help John.

Next time it happens I will give these suggestions a go.

The following day my video recorded 90 minutes with no problem (as usual) 'after a rest?!'

The set up was the same.

The issue now seems to be a kind of intermittent fault... that once in a while, for no discernible reason, my wonderful camera shuts down after twenty minutes or thirty minutes, screwing up my yoga video for that day.  

Hopefully, if/when it happens again, your helpful suggestions, John, will help me get to the root of the issue! Thanks.

If you have a -spare- laptop you can set next to the camera, you can use Imaging Edge Desktop's Remote shooting feature to try and keep an eye on the Live feed from the camera.


I'm not sure if it'll be clear from far away or if it's even possible for you to glance at the camera (or if you want to, for that matter), but it's possibly something you can try to make sure the camera is still recording?


Hopefully this isn't a waste of your time to try ^^


- JD