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Sony HDR CX410VE Stuttered footage

Sony HDR CX410VE Stuttered footage

Good evening,


I hace recently purchased the camcorder above. I am having a few issues with the quality of the footage once it is imported to the desktop. I have already been advised to download the Play memories software but am unable to download the software as there isnt the capacity on my old mac to take the program. I am currently importing by dragging the MP4 footage from the SD card onto the desktop and the footage is rather staggered and not very easy on the eye. I have also imported through imovie and am having the same problem.

I am therefore assuming it must be an issue with the camera settings. I have changed to MP4 due to the ease to get the footage onto the laptop and the editting program i need to use works very slowly with the size of the ADVCHD footage. 

Any suggestions about what i can do to resolve this issue.

