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My TVs screen has started to die recently, typically after the warranty has run out 3 months ago! The image will start to flicker and after a few seconds go off completely. I can still hear sound but the screen is black. Has anyone one else experienced this problem?
I have tried all the usual stuff like a disconnecting all the hdmi inputs, soft reset, a factory reset etc. Usually unplugging from the mains for 5 min will make it work again but this has got less reliable recently to the point where it won't work until the next day. Then it could work fine for a week or so however this has got worse recently too. I used to think this was firmware related but I'm not so sure now. Any advice welcome!
Hi @Jharks,
I checked, there was an update pushed recently on February so make sure that you installed it:
If it didn't work either, I believe you will need to send the TV for inspection.