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Bravia 9 dolby vision issue

Bravia 9 dolby vision issue

Hi all,


Picked up an 85" bravia 9 a few weeks back, also picked up a Panasonic ub820 blu ray player all was working great with Dolby vision. Sent the player back and bought a new one that was region unlocked and when i have set it up Dolby Vision just no longer works. Ive enabked it in the player etc.  I've tried resetting tv and player, made sure the hdmi is set to advanced and loads of other troubleshooting i found online, the seller of the player also took me through lots of troubleshooting.  I also tested on a slightly older Sony tv which didnt work either. I plugged my xbox series x into both tvs and both have working dolby vision coming through(gaming not movies). I have been using 2.1 hdmi leads and have tried 2 different leads that i know work. Sent the player back to the company who sold it, they have plugged it into their display panasonic and DV works fine. The seller have suggested a recent sony update may be causing the issue but im stumped. Any ideas? 


Below is a link to the software update, check and see if your TV has updated to this version

in Settings> Help & Feedback> Help.

Your TVs path maybe slightly different

The software was released on the 19th February.


Make sure you click on View All Applicable Models to see your TV.


So far no one else is reporting issues with Dolby Vision after the update.


On your Bravia 9 in the Settings for HDMI Signal Input are there certain HDMI ports that are used for Dolby Vision. On my older XR-42A90K there are two HDMI ports of the four available which can be set for Dolby Vision content. If so are you sure you were using those ports when trying to watch DV content from the Blu Ray player.


Try downloading some DV samples and put them on a USB stick and see if they display correctly.


When watching Dolby Vision content the TV should automatically 

change the Picture Mode setting to Dolby Vision Bright or Dark.

On my slightly older Sony TV when Dolby Vision content is recognised

Picture Mode will only offer Vivid, Dolby Vision Bright and Dolby Vision Dark.


If you download some Dolby Vision samples report back if your TV is playing them as you would expect.

If they play okay then we can probably rule out the TV and maybe a problem with the Blu Ray Player (don’t believe the seller) or the content you were playing on it.

Thank you, yeah i was using hdmi port 4 which is 1 of the 2 high speed ports. The DV is 100% working as i have checked with my series x with a DV game. Its also working fine through the apps on the tv. 


The chap from the dealer has also taken the olayer home and connected to his sony oled at home and the DV works for him. It has the 2 of us scratching our heads.

You seem to have pretty much established that there is not a problem with your TV showing Dolby Vision content.

The only variable being you replaced a Blu Ray Player with another and with that one you found problems with playing DV content on your TV.


You have said that with this replacement Blu Ray player you checked all settings on the player and HDMI cables and connections to the TV but yet were unable to play DV content.

Unfortunately you have sent this player back to the seller so it is difficult to experiment further.


Without seeing this player showing DV content on the sellers display Panasonic TV or on their own Sony OLED TV I can’t still rule out something is amiss with the player itself.


Do you have a nearby relative/ friend that has a DV capable Blu Ray player that they wouldn’t mind taking round to your home to further rule out any problems at your end re the TV, TV settings, HDMI cables and ports or anything else you can think of.


The other thing that pops up is one player you tried was region locked and the other not, is there any evidence to suggest that unlocking a Blu Ray/ DVD player can interfere with its ability to play Dolby Vision or other HDR content.

Yeah it is all very odd. The seller was going to pop into their local Sony store today who they are on good terms with as they have a 75" Bravia 9 there to see if they could replicate the issue (the Sony store werw also going to install all updates to the tv). The positive thing is that they are in full agreement that the player isn't really any good to me if it doesnt work and im sure they will refund...its just a pity as the Panasonic 820 seemed perfect. Its just so strange that I'm having the same issue with 2 different models of Sony tv that I know are working well. 


All my friends use their xbox's as their players so I don't really have access to another player to try. 


The seller claims to have sold well over a thousand of these players over the past few years and say they have never had any issues. To be fair to them they have been excellent with troubleshooting and providing updates this week.


They are going to give me a call tomorrow to see how they got on today
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@Joeveitch1 Feel free to share the outcome with us! :slight_smile: