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Does anyone know where I can buy spare parts for my SEL100400 lens?

The EET eurospares which Sony direct me to only sell to businesses? The service centre options are very expensive I just want parts and to be able to repair it myself!

 If I lived in America it is easy there are loads of suppliers but none will export parts to the Uk.

Anyone want to buy an expensive paper weight?

Not applicable

Hi @bribonne1, i think you can check with the authorized Sony retailers in regards to this, they might be able to provide you with the parts that you want if they are available. 

They authorized retailers are John Lewis, Currys, richer sound, Argos....ETC.

Hi thanks for the info but I have already tried these retailers. It seems that in the UK you can buy things like lens covers ,screws. eyepieces. Etc. However you cannot buy the bits inside the lens like flexible cables., main mother boards, unless your are a repair centre. 
If you live in America you can go to encompass and buy all these parts but they do not export to the UK? Sony only recommend third party spares suppliers and I cannot get the parts I need from them. Is it something to do with profit making ? Closed shop practices? Why can Sony not tell me definitively where I can buy the internal spare parts for my lens. I don’t have this problem with my car parts, and this lens costs £2000 +! Maybe I could take it to bits and sell the parts to other unfortunates like me!
Community Team

@ bribonne1, Sony doesn't allow internal parts to be sold, you'll need to send the lens to an authorised service centre.