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Problem with Using Nex-7 with lens adapter

Problem with Using Nex-7 with lens adapter

Hey there, I've taken a trip up to the Arctic Circle (where they have internet believe it or not), brought up my shiny new nex-7 with a fotodiox lens adapter and a few nikkor lenses. Unfortnately I've discovered that unless I touch the metal release tab on the lens adapter, 4/5's of the image shifts to being grainy and magenta, and the last 1/5 stripe on the right hand side looks normal. This is very obvious at f/15 and above. It is on the images taken, not just the LCD and EVF.

I'm wondering if there is something wrong with the camera, or something wierd going on with the lens adapter. Its very strange that by making a physical contact with part of the lens adapter that the problem goes away. It suggests an electrical issue of some sort, but more than that I am clueless.

Any help would be amazing.


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Hi James, welcome to the Sony Forums :slight_smile:

Have you tried a native (E-mount) lens on to see if the graininess is still there? If so, the finger points to the adaptor. It sounds like it may have a physical connection problem, possibly a light leak.

I'm assuming you're not putting any pressure on the mount when you say it works ok with physical contact? If it's a light leak you may be simply shading the source of it... a quick-and-dirty fix would be some electricians tape around the adaptor, see if that fixes it.

It's not impossible there's some kind of weird electronic earthing issue, although tbh I'd be very surprised if that's what it turned out to be.

Hope that's of some help.


Interesting, I have tried it with my native lens and it is fine, I presumed it was a grounding issue as I have waas hardly touching the lever and the edge of the grainy part is a perfect line, but perhaps it is a light leak. I'll have a play and see what happens :slight_smile:


Just a thought James - sorry to butt in Mick.

Have you removed the rather annoying tripod mount from the adapter?  If so, this will leave 2 screw holes that let in light.

Also may be worth checking the 3 screws that hold the adapter together are not loose.

A light leak seems favorite especially as the fault shows up more at small apertures.


I did remove the tripod mount (so annoying that the holes go all the way through) but I covered those holes with electrical tape.

Now that the sun is out again, I did some experiments and it totally is light leaking through the release lever. I'm relieved its that rather than my Camera, but still need to find a temp solution.

Thanks for the help :slight_smile: