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A7iii or A7iv?


A7iii or A7iv?

Hey guys, I’ve been thinking of getting a full frame for a while now and am stuck between these two options.

I plan to use the camera for at least 4 to 5 years so the longevity of the camera is very important to me. And this brings me to my biggest dilemma.

I read that plenty of the M3 users have experienced shutter failure way before its quoted shutter life. And that is kind of a deal breaker for me. Then again, I saw on Gerald Undone’s review video that M4’s shutter is as loud as it predecessor, which kinda leads me to believe that it might have the same problem (if anybody knows more, please let me know!).

Have you guys experienced early shutter failure issues on your cameras (even on the R or S lineup)?

Really appreciate any advice I can get. Thanks!

Not applicable

Hey @hilanokta,


As far as I know, there's no known fault that Sony is claiming related to shutter failures.
Also, they never disclosed a shutter count on their cameras, so all the numbers you see online are pretty much speculations and incorrect.
And for every ''shutter failure'' post you see out there, there's 3 or 4 positive reviews on the other side.
So, I'd say watch reviews, study the cameras and go for the one suits you feature wise, and not anything else.

