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sony dvd dw-d56a dvd drive help plz


sony dvd dw-d56a dvd drive help plz

Hi people i had 1 month ago my dvd rw drive replaced after only purchasing my vaio in august. Sony have replaced my drive with a sony 1 and on vaio zone and click to dvd and sonic record now it gets to about 90% and an error is displayed. I have searched the error code and the help topics say that the error doesen't exist.

I av returned my vaio 2 comet where i purchased my vaio and they have been in touch with sony without success. They said keep chaanging settings but i haven;t had any success. Any1 with any ideas about this plz tell me cya:smileysad: :thinking:


This is not acceptable. If possible send your laptop to sony directly if the vendor doesn't want to do that for you. Ofcourse it might be that the vendor never actually called sony and gave you some stupid advice so he can sit back.

Someone made a mistake, so someone should fix it (and ofcourse that someone shouldn't be you).

Please post your error code too, perhaps someone else gets more lucky.

Good luck and Merry Christmas