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PCG 481M hard drive clicking


PCG 481M hard drive clicking

My hard drive is making a lot of clicking noises. I sent it back to sony but they say that it comes 'within specification' so nothing has been done. Can you help...

The noise occurs mainly when I am just typing or using some software that is not explicitly reading from the drive. When a large document is being read from the drive the noise does not occur. It's as if the noise is caused by some kind of standby procedure, or some kind of caching.

It also gives out a click just before turning off the screen if I haven't used the laptop for 5-or-so minutes.

So my guess is that the clicking occurs when small packets of data are being written...

I am using Win XP and have not changed many of the settings. I also don't remember noticing the clicks when I first bought the laptop, and am a bit worried that a failure is going to happen.

I actually went back to Dixons and compared the sound with a model they had on display which in fact also made a similar clicking. Perhaps it is just the normal noise of this model??

Any ideas?

Thx, Robert


The clicking noise on some drives is normal but I agree it can get annoting!

You may be able to reduce the clicking a bit by turning off unneeded XP services - the indexing service is one I always turn off, instructions on how to do this are at

If you want to tweak your Windows services setup for better performance and battery life then the best guide to this that I've seen is BlackVipers guide at