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Superfluous screen messages when replaying HD programmes from HDD

Superfluous screen messages when replaying HD programmes from HDD

I have just started using the HDD recording option on my KDL-46EX723 to record HD programming.

There is however a niggling problem clearly related to the 1080p/I switching now used by all UK DTT HD channels.

On replay, every time a change in mode occurs the TV displays 'HE-AAC English' in the top right hand corner. As this can happen dozens of times during a program this results in the display being very distracting. It is also clearly unnecessary.

Please can Sony fix this bug so that the audio mode is only displayed once during a replay, when the recording initially starts up. It doesn't need to be displayed at each and every mode change - you wouldn't find this acceptable during a live broadcast, so why would it be acceptable during a recording replay?


This is also ruining my recordings. I had been baffled as to why the message 'HE-AAC' would appear only on HD recordings, for five seconds, just as the picture switched scenes.

Thanks to copicke45, I now realise it was the old 1080i/1080p transition nightmare, transferred from audio to vision!

And that explains why the info appreared at the same point if you watched the scene over again. Though not why this didn't appear till the last month or so.

There was a firmware update today (for models including our CX523) which hasn't (according to the update page) addressed this. Can a Sony rep please tell us this problem is being worked on, or do we have to kick up a stink in other forums?

They did well in solving the audio glitch, so c'mon Sony, nail this nuisance.

I have the same problem on my 32cx523. I contacted the support section but got no useful information. Any ideas if anyone at sony is aware of this issue? 

I did wonder if there is any settings that might remove this message?

Hi all - apparently this is being looked into at the moment. No word on when it will be fixed but hopefully sooner rather than later.


Catmambo,  I may be able to narrow the search for a culprit. :devil:

I've been playing BBC HD recordings from recent months, and found the first one displaying the fault was from October 12. The previous episode on October 5 is pristine.

So if there was a software update between those dates, or a change to the DTT transmission standard, that may be the cause. I have (good) reception from Winter Hill btw, so I don't think DSO is a factor here.


I take it you mean 'BBC One HD' recordings.

What happened is that between those dates ALL Freeview HD channels (including BBC One HD) started using the 1080i/p format switching method, so more people started noticing. Before this only the BBC HD channel (Channel 54) was using it, and not as many people watch that.

This problem is not the broadcasters (the ability to change format is in the standards) - it is the way the TV software handles the change in picture format. There was a problem noticed earlier this year on BBC HD Channel where there was a sound glitch on live broadcasts caused by the format change which was fixed by Sony with a update. What seems to have been omitted at that time was a check of the Hard Disk playback softwares ability to cope with the same switch.

The external Hard Disk records the MPEG4 video stream as broadcast, so includes the same i/p switching events. But the media player software used by the TV to playout the recording is obviously programmed to display the sound format of the recording each time there is a change in video format - this becomes a problem when the video is changing 30-40 times during a single programme!

Which is why Sony need to change the video playback software so that this message regarding sound format is only displayed once immediately after a playback is commenced, and not upon each and every video format change.

Ah, that would explain it then.

I did record many progs off the 'HD Channel' before October, but only one two minute example survives. (It's unblemished by messages).

I don't recall ever seeing the 'HE-AAC English' thing back on the early recordings, but perhaps I just didn't notice.

If Sony can't prevent the message being triggered on a 1080i/p switch, maybe they should disable that being displayed at any time. It's surely no use to anyone, even geeks?

Hi, do we have any update on this yet?  It is extremely distracting when watching a HD program / film.


I have just got a new Sony KDL32EX723 over two weeks ago.

My firmware was updated last week and on playing a HD recording yesterday discovered the message was still being displayed.

Are Sony aware of the problem?.