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Firmware improvement

Firmware improvement


I just wanted to ask a few improvements for the next firmware update (we can dream, can't we...:smileywink:)

-Embolden text (possibility to read the book in bold letters.).

-To see the last 3 books read on the home screen (and not only the last 3 books added: why can't we choose that in the parameters: last 3 books added is completly useless and I had to use a hack found on the mobileread forum to modify that.)

-Possibility to choose whether all the pages are refreshed (the black flash just after turning a page)

-Possibility to choose or to remove the 4 lower boxes (Books, Reader Store, Newspapers, Collections).

I won't use the Reader Store or the Newspapers, so why can't I delete or replace them ?

-Possibility to display the clock while reading and not only in the home screen (parameters again)

-Possibility to install a dictionnary in my language (for the users that are not US or English readers).

-Possibility to add easily some fonts (just drop the new font in a folder and it appears in the font menu)

-Possibility to read the dictionnary with a double-tap, not a long tap (I prefer the double-tap we had on the 650: parameters again)

That's all for me.

On the whole, I'm satisfied with the T1, but the embolden text and last 3 books read would be really usefull for me.

Thanks for reading me.


Sony have not previously updated the firmware unless an error crops up. They only make changes when a new reader is released. So the likelyhood of any of your suggestions being implemented in a firmware upgrade are, I'm afraid, in the region of zero.

As you have discovered Mobileread, some of the requests are possible if you do a bit of digging but they need to be done on a PC not as part of the readers firmware

But as you say, we can dream